Bollywood actress Vidya Balan's Hindi thriller "Kahaani" has started shooting the sequel. Vidya Bengal hill stations are shooting in Kalimpong. Vidya said on Twitter.
Lore said on Twitter on Sunday night, "Story 2," the first day of shooting. It seems that Gulzar saab tree in Kalimpong 'Musafir Hoon fellows "are shifting to the tune.
Who is not a fan of it? ' "Kahaani" sequels "Story 2" is co-written and directed by Sujoy Ghosh. "Story" than the lore Prmwrt Chatterjee, Nawazuddin Siddiqui and are Indranil Sengupta. Before learning in Bengal 'Parineeta', 'No One Killed Jessica' and 'TE 3 n' shooting has.