Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor quite hit the headlines with her style. Sonam recently because of its a dress Oops Moment faced. It happened during an award show. Sonam Kapoor, who was wearing dress awards show, it seemed their cleavage. Their lot of things are happening these photos. Evergreen Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor's daughter Sonam has a different focus for their style, but often because of their clothes become troublesome to them.
During a recent award show happened. Bollywood stars Sonam arrived in the Hall of Fame Award. Despite many of the stars everyone's eyes on them was halted. Was it because of their dress. she seemed uncomfortable at times. Sonam Kapoor wore the dress, it seemed their cleavage. Their lot of things are happening these photos. Sonam Kapoor has headlines several times because of her clothing. Sonam Kapoor once before in the presence of a highly intoxicating dress was seen in the Award Function. Luke and the Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Kate Middleton have come to India for the first time. Bollywood celebrity charity dinner was also present on the occasion.
Sonam Kapoor was also present during this. But fashion girl Sonam considered troubled little surprised! Good at her fashion sense is considered largely to disappoint all of her dress. Lebanese Elie Saab dress fashion Dijaninr Sonam Kapoor wore vaccine demand. They flashed a light in the same event