In 2009, Boney Kapoor and Salman Khan starrer superhit film director Prabhu Deva at the famous South Indian actress Nayanthara renounced her Christian faith has assumed Hinduism. Nayanthara renowned South Indian dancer, actor, director Prabhu Deva is all set to marry in Mumbai. To bring the perpetrators of this marriage of Bollywood is the specialized arm of Boney Kapoor and Salman Khan. Prabhu Deva select people in Mumbai in front of the wedding ceremony will be held Nayanthara. Prabhu Deva and Nayanthara marriage was registered in the Mumbai court. Actor Rajnikanth blockbuster Chandramukhi's Actress Nayanthara major role in the birth of the Christian family was Orthodox, but the decision on Prabhu Deva to marry Arya Samaj temple on Sunday in the presence of priests and the Hindu mantras adopted. Nayanthara later told reporters that the move is very happy and it was her personal decision. It was not put pressure on them somehow. Prabhu Deva last month, the court was allowed to divorce the first wife. Prabhu Deva & His first wife was married 15 years ago. Then, leaving his wife for South Indian Actress Nayanthara.
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In 2009, Boney Kapoor and Salman Khan starrer superhit film director Prabhu Deva at the famous South Indian actress Nayanthara renounced her Christian faith has assumed Hinduism. Nayanthara renowned South Indian dancer, actor, director Prabhu Deva is all set to marry in Mumbai. To bring the perpetrators of this marriage of Bollywood is the specialized arm of Boney Kapoor and Salman Khan. Prabhu Deva select people in Mumbai in front of the wedding ceremony will be held Nayanthara. Prabhu Deva and Nayanthara marriage was registered in the Mumbai court. Actor Rajnikanth blockbuster Chandramukhi's Actress Nayanthara major role in the birth of the Christian family was Orthodox, but the decision on Prabhu Deva to marry Arya Samaj temple on Sunday in the presence of priests and the Hindu mantras adopted. Nayanthara later told reporters that the move is very happy and it was her personal decision. It was not put pressure on them somehow. Prabhu Deva last month, the court was allowed to divorce the first wife. Prabhu Deva & His first wife was married 15 years ago. Then, leaving his wife for South Indian Actress Nayanthara.