Actress Hansika Motwani says that the film in the choice of preference for the place of her character in the film only, film, prefer all the people who might like. Hansika's Tamil film "Uyire Uyire" will be released this Friday. Hansika said, "I have a preference for good movies.
A great advantage of playing in a bad movie? Instead, I want viewers to enjoy the film and leaving the theater, talk about my role. "Many successful Tamil and Telugu films Hansika, who believe that a film's biggest audience is decisive are.
Hansika said, "I feel bad when my film is not successful, but I respect the decision of the audience because they know best what films should support. If they do not like a movie, then we must accept her decision. " Hansika famous for her portrayal of the screen flirtatious "Uyire Uyire" Kiradar in real life is very close to his.