Bollywood actor Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D'Souza on Tuesday, a little boy came home. According to information, the couple's son attained Gems and Gemstones in the world have become the new parents. Ritesh tweeted today shared the joys of fatherhood and the child was born is their home. Consider that Riteish and Genelia's wedding in February 2012 took place. Ritesh's fatherhood news was spread to an explosion of congratulations to the couple in Bollywood. Karan Johar, Abhishek Bchchn, Lara Dutta, Bipasha Basu, Nikhil Advani and several actors on the realization of the couple gems son sent a congratulatory message.
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Bollywood actor Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D'Souza on Tuesday, a little boy came home. According to information, the couple's son attained Gems and Gemstones in the world have become the new parents. Ritesh tweeted today shared the joys of fatherhood and the child was born is their home. Consider that Riteish and Genelia's wedding in February 2012 took place. Ritesh's fatherhood news was spread to an explosion of congratulations to the couple in Bollywood. Karan Johar, Abhishek Bchchn, Lara Dutta, Bipasha Basu, Nikhil Advani and several actors on the realization of the couple gems son sent a congratulatory message.