Acting in movies before joining the Totally Confident Deepika Padukone said. She touched the heights of success and in the movies, but she also made her mark as a great actress. But the bitter truth of life of a successful actor, what happens? Career and personal life and also some questions connected with Deepika Padukone. her first film 'Om Shanti Om' from the Bollywood Deepika Padukone had undefin-She then movie-by-movie career plummeted touching new highs. The first line of the heroines of today are counted.
Deepika at the sight of the implications of acting? How much desire to work with her hero? Ranveer Singh about what they have to say? What is their thinking about love?
Career and personal life, and more attached to the open-open talks with Deepika Padukone.
Confident How did you come to the movies before?
Even before the movies with my acting was completely Confident, because I already know what I can do, what not. After several experiments as a heroine by my characters, who are also successful.
What does this mean for you to acting?
Acting is my passion. In any case I want to be involved in acting. That is why I am calling every movie Anjwoy.
You hear a lot of people tend to surprise?
Yes, I would like to give a surprise. Give people a surprise-by shooting extend surprised all. Life comes from the excitement of surprise.
What is the bitter truth of life of a successful actor?
A successful actor of public life seems to be very fun, but the truth is something else. Actually, there is no time to be a successful actor's own. she is such a lack of time she gets away from her personal life. Whether it is a friend or family members.
Selection of movies and what kind you are seeing?
Selection of good stories and her character in the film I am looking at. It does not make sense to me that my film will many million business. I 'reservation', 'Fanny' and 'Piku' films not for money.